a new Website, well written, amazing
design. You find an online shopping, e-commerce, service site, and before you
spend money, you would like to know how long these COMPANIES are in the
business. One way is to find the age of website, and this will help you to
determine how credible their services might be.
website age is a good way to know about how old is the company. Here are few
solution which will let you know how old is a Website. Remember, most of the
time we can only find the date of domain, and it’s possible that site might
have changed niche over the time.
Tools to find Website Age:
is a useful way to find how old is a website. Using domaintools, you can find
when a domain is registered, and this will give you a good idea of age of a
website. Another few services, which can help are netcraft, SEOlogs, webconfs, SEOChat domain age tool.
Way Back Machine:
machine is a free service, which creates a snapshot of a website at regular
interval. It might not be very accurate, but this service serves many purpose.
From the first snapshot, you can figure out how old this website exist. You can
always check snapshot of past-time, this will help you to see if particular
website changed the niche ever. For a blogger, it’s a useful tool to check
their old blog designs. This service is perfect for large sites, but you might
not always get results for new or smaller sites.
This domain age checker tools are also useful, when you are buying a website or used domain.
Age of a domain is one of the big factor in search engine ranking, so older a domain is, better it is.
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